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F R E S H  &  S U S T A I N A B L E  S E A F O O D



Suppliers to some of the top Western Australian restaurants and direct public, Monzu Fishing Co. is owned and operated by a 

local Perth family with a long history in fresh seafood industry and distribution.

  For more information please browse the Online Shop or go to our contact page for more information.

Western Rock Lobster Live
Western Rock Lobster Tail Frozen Raw
Western Rock Lobster Frozen Cooked
Marinated Crayfish Jar

W H A T  O U R  C U S T O M E R S  A R E  S A Y I N G 

LIVE CRAYFISH - "Great local lobster fisherman delivered on time with a good product. Would recommend." - Ronald, Hamilton Hill.

MARINATED CRAYFISH JAR - "Do you know when you have this moment that you would eat something but you don't want to cook? This is something ready, tasty, with a small addition of chilli, pleasant to the palate. Just what you fancied for your favourite glass of wine and fresh pane bread. I recommend it." - Daniela, North Coogee.

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